Sunday, December 28, 2014

Saying Goodbye to Betsy Hearts


In three days, 2014 will be coming to an end.  When I reminisce on this past year I would often focus on what I didn’t do and that I should have worked harder.  I will no longer have those thoughts as reading my blog journal put a big smile on my face. It reminded me that I did achieve a lot this year. And that was the point in creating this blog and creating Betsy Hearts.

        I learned how to solve a Rubik’s cube. I still do it every few days.
I learned how to eat with Chop Sticks.  
I learned how to play chess.  We play several times a week. 
I learned how to hula hoop. (a work still in progress.)
I watched 25 horror films. 
I had a blast working on my science experiments.
I learned some sentences in sign language.
I read my first Sci Fi Book
I tried food from different culturals.
I visited two different Richmond landmarks and a few new restaurants.
 I sold at the Flea Market. 
I worked on my arts and crafts a lot .  Pinterest should be classified as a drug.
I lined the inside of my steamer trunk with Dr. Seuss books and it looks fucking awesome. 
I got a new job. Not doing what I would like, but I’m generating income & that is a great thing.
I sold on eBay.
 I had a wonderful Christmas. 

 While I’ve had a whole lot of fun writing this blog and challenging myself, I’m no longer interested in monthly challenges. That doesn’t mean that I don’t plan on continuing to grow and explore, I’m just not going to blog about it. My goal for 2015 is to become self employed.  I need to use all my extra time and energy in making that a reality. It's been my pleasure and now it’s time to say Goodbye to Betsy Hearts. 


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