Monday, June 23, 2014

Bouncy Ball Fail

For my 3rd science experiment, I was going to make a bouncy ball. The ingredients needed were Borax, corn starch, glue and water. I figured since not many ingredients were needed and the instructions were relatively easy, this was going to be a breeze. Hell nah. After four attempts, I classified this experiment a big ole fail. I think for my 1st attempt and 2nd attempt I used too much water, because the balls felt wet instead of sticky. The 3rd attempt, I used less water.  Which left the clump very dry. I was unable to mold into a ball as it kept crumbling. After failing three times I decided to try a different recipe. That was my fourth and final try. This time it didn't even make it out of the bowl. It was way to sticky and didn't mold. After sitting out, they turn into puddy. I was not interested enough to try for a 5th time. It makes a mess and leaves my hands dirty. Not a fan of either. So I will take the lose on this one and move one. 


  1. the 2nd attempt pic looks like it could bounce. sorta :-)



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