Saturday, August 16, 2014

A Bit of a Funk

"Your're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it." 
It has been six days since returning from our mini vacation to our hometown NYC. I've spent the week trying my best to read BlindSight and mourning the loss of a great entertainer Robin Williams. I grew up watching him on Happy Days and have been a huge fan since then. Finding out that he committed suicide made me really sad as I understand the darkness and pain associated with depression. I've suffered from depression and anxiety since I was a teenager without recognizing that it was depression until about 8 years ago. I could not bring myself to read. Let alone a book that I had no clue to what the hell was happening. So much so that I had to stop reading it. I was not pleased that I had to revise my challenge, then not enjoying my first selection, along with everything that was going on, I almost quit my August challenge. Then I realized that I was just in a funk and I can get myself out of it. I've enjoyed challenging myself each month and this month was not going to be an exception. Bad enough that I had to revise it, I was not going to quit. What I did quit was reading BlindSight. I just could not get into that fucking book. I decided to move on to my next selection which is Little Brother by Cory Doctorow. Now this is a book that I'm digging. It's readable, to which my friend pointed out was because it was Young Adult. Makes me no difference, all I know is that I'm happy to finally get my reading groove back on. I thought I lost it while trying to read BlindSight. My friend an avid reader reminded it's okay to not finish a book just move on. Which I'm very glad I've done. I have two weeks to the end of the month and I need to binge read to meet my challenge. Besides my birthday next week, I do not have any immediate plans and am confident I can read three books in that time. Now off I go to try to read some more before the sandman visits.


  1. Congrats on pushing through and not quitting this challenge. I am glad the 2nd book was a better read and kept your momentum going.

    RIP Robin



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