Thursday, March 27, 2014

My First Visit to Starbucks

don't like hot drinks, not tea, hot chocolate or coffee. With that being said there are times that I do drink tea and coffee. When I'm sick & hubby forces me to drink tea and the only time I drink coffee is with my mother.  Even then I rarely finish the tea and only drink half a cup of coffee. The strange thing is that I love the smell of coffee. In the spirit of trying new things I decided to go to Starbucks. I was so confused. Too many freakin options. Latte, Frappuccino, Espresso, Ice Tea and all the various ingredients to add. WTF?? I grew up believing the only type of coffee was Cafe Bustelo and the iconic blue NYC coffee cup. After speaking with the "barista" I decided on a Vanilla Bean Frappuccino that was creme based because he said it tasted like a milkshake and I love milkshakes. It was delcious. However my hubby said I cheated, I should have tried something different. Nah. He had a cold carameal macchiatto. It was gross. I was not impressed and have no desire to return. It's just not my thing. At least I can cross it off my list of places to visit. 


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