Having spent the first part of October with a cold that kicked my ass and working on my current DIY, I couldn't decide on an October challenge. Then I noticed on instagram that my friend was doing the Horror Movie Challenge, which is to watch one horror movie per day for the entire month. I decided that in the spirit of Halloween, this would be the perfect challenge for October. What makes this a challenge for me is that I avoid horror films like the plague. Most of the time their predictable and corny. Also usually gross, which I hate. I rarely get scared. Now there are some horror movies that I bookmarked that I feel may scare me. I know I'm behind but I will be able to catch up. Today I watched 3 movies. Here is a quick synopsis.
Constantine (2005), starring Keanu Reeves and Rachel Weisz
I picked this movie because I'm a fan of Angels vs Demons and it was starring Keanu Reeves. The special effects were pretty impressive. However I just can't get scared watching a movie with Keanu. I also am a fan of The Mummy movies, so I was glad to see Rachel.
Tremors (1990) Kevin Bacon and Fred Ward
I'm a fan of both Kevin and Fred. I think that I have seen bits and pieces but never the whole movie. Gigantic worm like carnivores living under the desert that feeds on humans. This was your typical 90's movies. Cheesy and predictable. Not scared, on to the next one.
Arachnid (2001) Chris Potter
Chris Potter was the only actor I recognized. A mutant spider preys on scientists marooned on a tropical island. Better than I expected but still not scared.
I'm saving the ones that I think will scare me for the weekends to watch with my hubby. I plan to watch them in the dark. That is scary in itself for me because I do not like the dark. Off I go to bookmark more movies.
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