Thursday, May 01, 2014

May Challenge: Sign Language

I've always been intrigued by different forms of communication. I keep a list of different languages I want to learn and one of them is sign language. I remember when I was in the sixth or seventh grade I checked out a sign language book from the library. I was planning on teaching myself. I learned the alphabet, how to introuce myself and how are you?. I only remember some of the alphabet and how to introduce myself. Now that we live in the wonderful world of Youtube, it's going to be much easier than learning from a book. We are all guilty of using our hands to communicate. Peace, f**k u, I love you, etc... At one time or another we have used one of the above hand signs. BTW, had to leave the pic with my puppy. I set the camera and didn't realize he had photobombed me. What makes the picture even cutier is that I'm saying "I love you". Okay back to my May Challenge; Sign Language. The plan is to learn seven sentences. Why seven? Because it's my favorite number. What sentences? Don't know yet. I plan on watching videos and the sentences will come to me. Now off I go to cuddle with my puppies. 


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