Thursday, May 01, 2014

One Last Win

Since my last chess post, I only won one more game, until last night. It was scary on how it played out. It was late, so I opted to play only one game before going to bed. As usual I lost the match. I felt a bit defeated because here it was the last day of my challenge, I should go out with a win. I asked hubby can we play again. I won!! I didn't tell him that I had felt defeated but just to be safe, I asked "did you let me win?". He looked as if I had insulted him. He would never let me win. I won with two minutes to spare in the month. I've had a blast with this challenge. Chess will now be part of my entertainment life. I have not plans on putting the set away.  I need to work on my strategies and will continue to play everyday.

While cleaning out my recycling basket, I found my chess notes. Excuse the misspelled words. I write quickly during class and then rewrite later on. I thought it would be more detailed, but it barely took up a whole page. My hubby is an excellent teacher. He made learning chess fun. I enjoy our matches. Will I ever be as good as him? Only time will tell. 



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