Friday, May 16, 2014

Solving Rubik's Cube From Memory

I'm happy to announce that I can now solve the Rubik's Cube from  memory. I couldn't have done it without YouTube videos from "Math Meeting" They break it down into five videos. At times I thought it would not happen as there are a lot of steps to remember and if you fuck up one step, you get lost. I concentrated on memorizing one video at a time and along with my notes and weeks of practice, I got it. In order not to forget all of my hard work, I solve it at least once a day. While it may not be a big deal to others, it is a big deal to me. High five myself. Now enjoy my hijacks. 

Oh BTW if you wish to view the "Math Meeting" YouTube Channel here is the link to the first video.


  1. Im very proud of you for completing this challenge. Maybe a bit jealous



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