Thursday, February 27, 2014

Hula Hoop Hooray

My Hula Hoop finally arrived. I've practiced for the past two days and it's true, size does matter. As you can see from video, my first try was a success. I was not expecting that. I was so psyched and then became pissed as the hula hoop broke. My husband fixed it but that didn't last. So now I have to send it back for repair. Not good at all. Im ready to get my hula hooping on and now I'm back on hold.

On another note I now understand why people exercise by hula hooping. The hula hooping plus my weight got me winded fast. My goal is to hula hoop for a few minutes each evening until I can do it for five minutes non stop. That's doable. No pressure, no rush as I believe my Feb. "Lively" Experience was a success. My March experience is ready to come to bat. Until then enjoying my kooky ass hula hooping. 

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Bed vs Betsy


It's Bed vs Betsy and Betsy is losing. Oh the glorious hold my bed has over me should be criminal. We have a King size pillow top mattress that is so comfy I find myself yelling out loud how grateful I am. Broken in pillows that make head and neck feel happy. Along with beautiful clean sheets and comforter and I'm a prisoner to my bed. The hold is real and toxic. The voice in my head was right again. For the 5th day in a row nothing has changed. Same diet and no exercise. This time was no different. Tomorrow is another day to work on changing. But will it??

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Orange Laces to White Jeans


I've owned the above Old Navy white jeans since 1997. A whooping 17 years. And the last time I fit into them was a whooping 17 years ago. I've kept these jeans because I like how they fit and hoped to wear them again after losing weight. Well that did not happen. I've steadily gained weight. A total of 70lbs over 17 years. Which is 4lbs per year. I currently wear a size 20 and weigh 214lbs. I'm not ashamed or embarrassed to show how much I weigh. I've enjoyed every carb, protein, junk food, and sweets that passed these lips. Gaining weight has not lowered my self esteem or self worth. It hasn't turned me into a frumpy fuck. My family & friends love my style and most importantly me. My husband has never made me feel anything but sexy & beautiful. It has not prevented me from traveling and going on many excursions. However I can't ignore the pounds and the calendar. I'm getting older and my metabolism is shot to hell. If I continue on this path I will wake up 17 years from now 70+lbs heavier. Can't let that happen. Every few months I start to eat better and exercise but never stick it out. As I've stated before, once something becomes hard or boring I quit. Losing weight is both boring and hard. So I quit. Part of my 2014 resolutions is to stop quitting. Get out of my comfort zone and being fat has been part of my comfort zone for way to long. Now don't get me wrong, I have no desire to be skinny. My goal is to fit into a size 12 comfortably. I don't know what magical number that is on the scale. I do know that my short term goal is to fit into my white jeans, which are a size 14. This will be my "Orange Laces to White Pants" challenge. My challenge begins Tuesday February 18. One day at a time is a motto I try to live by. Therefore I will be setting 24 hour goals. Stay tuned for my weight loss plan and updates. 

I must go now to deal with the mocking voice in my head shouting "Will this time be any different? Probably not.". 

Saturday, February 15, 2014

My Homemade Hula Hoop Is Almost Home


Your order has shipped!

My February "Lively" experience will soon be off of hold as my hula hoop is on its way. Yay! It shipped yesterday. Thanks Etsy. Check back in a few days to see my first attempt. 

Sunday, February 09, 2014

Dang it.......My Aunt Was Right

One intoxicated night my family and I tried to hula hoop. My aunt said we needed a bigger hula hoop as the one I owned was small. I thought it was just her excuse for not being able to hula. Well she was right. I did some research, watched some YouTube videos and size does matter. It should reach your belly button. My hoop barely reaches my hip. Took a trip to Walmart & Target but they only have children's. Also researched online and only found adult hula's with weights attached. Yeah, not ready for that. Decided to try etsy and found my hula hoop. As you can see from above receipt I paid $32, I would normally never pay over $15, but I'm committed to change. Today I practiced with my hula and for once I was able to get it to go around 3x's. Didn't record because it was spur of the moment and I didn't expect anything to happen. Now I'm psyched to get my custom hula. Don't have an estimated date of arrival. Until then I will practice the movement with my old hula.

Saturday, February 08, 2014

Shocker Slow Start


As usual I've procrastinated the entire week and waited for my 7th day to hula hoop. I decided since I haven't practiced I might as well record how I attempt to hula hoop. As you can see from the above video I'm awful at it. Why the fuck I keep doing the same move over and over.  Obviously that shit ain't working, but noooo I keep doing it. I crack myself up. Well no more bullshitting. I've got 21 days to learn. Let's go!!

Saturday, February 01, 2014

May Feb's "Lively" Experience Begin

Hula Hooping. I never tried hard enough to learn because the movements of hula hooping can be embarrassing when your doing them wrong. This "lively" experience is defiantly going to take me out of my comfort zone. Above is my hula hoop. Yes even though I do not know how to hula hoop, I've owned one for the past eight years. Every few years I watch youtube videos and give it a try. Nothing happens. Not even for a few seconds. I know how to grind and shake my ass. But I can't fucking hula hoop. Come on, Betsy. I'm excited about this one. I'm going to buy a new hula hoop because my current one has been in the closet oppressed and abused by boxes. Off I go to loosen up my hips.

Chopstick Experience Week 4

Woo-Hoo. It's over. My January "Lively" experience; chopsticks. With the exception of the two meals where I forgot to use my chopsticks I'm impressed with myself. Negative: it quickly became tiring and boring. Positive: accomplished my goal of learning to eat with chopsticks. High five myself. Now on to the next one.

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