Saturday, January 25, 2014

Fucking Forgot

Went to dinner on Friday and forgot to use chopsticks. I saw them in the kitchen earlier in the day and thought to put them in my purse, but I forgot. At no time during dinner did I think about them. Neither did my husband. I realized I fucked up when I got home and was changing into my pj's. I was really bummed out. 23 days is the longest that I have stuck with anything. Then today I was suppose to get back to the chopsticks and once again during dinner I forgot. I was a little pissed off at my husband and become distracted. Can't fucking believe it. I could see the finish line and I fucked it up. Not a good finish. Well there isn't anything I can do about it. Tomorrow is another day to get it right.   


  1. Still did an amazing job during this challenge.



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