Growing up
watching Kung Fu movies on Saturday morning, I was always mesmerized when the characters
ate with chopsticks. I thought it was cool and I wanted to learn. As a teenager I met two sisters who ate their
Chinese food with chopsticks. I immediately told them that I always wanted to
learn. They tried to teach me. I failed. Fast forward a decade and I discover
that my husband also knows how to eat with chopsticks. He also tried to teach
me. I failed again. My reason for failing is because for me quitting is easy. If
I don’t like something or don’t feel like putting in the effort, I quit. But
the nagging feeling of wanting to learn doesn’t go away. Which brings me to my
January Experience as you can tell by now will be eating with chopsticks. For the entire month of January I will eat
all meals that require forks with chopsticks. I’m not looking to have a life
changing experience, just looking conquer my failures. Get that nagging witch
off my back. Until she starts to chime in to remind me of another failed
experience. I hope at the end of the 31
days I will have mastered the art of eating with chopsticks. Then on the 32nd
day return to my friend the fork.
I’m aiming
for weekly updates. I may update more often,
still not sure. Since today is Wednesday by default this will be my blogging
day. Until next week, wish me luck.
As long as you stay focused and follow through, there is nothing you can not do or learn. looking forward to you progress and accomplishments