Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Marc Anthony, Oops nope. Week 1.


I’m supposed to be blogging but I’m listening to Marc Anthony.  I love his music and voice.  Procrastination is part of my character.  Just like I should have not procrastinated familiarizing myself with Movie Maker. I waited until yesterday the 7th day of my Chopstick experience to start fooling around with it.  Of course I ran into hiccups and needed to finish it today.  Which I did. Now I should be working on the blog that accompanies the video, but like I said before I’m listening to Marc Anthony.  Swoon.  “Concentrate, you can do both”.  I tell myself as I dance in my seat and sing aloud to my doggies.

Two days out of the week I did not need to use chop sticks. I watched a few YouTube videos.  They were all the same. My husband showed me how to hold the chopsticks and I was on my way. Frustrating at times but not as scary as I thought. I hold them too tight and my ring finger ends up in pain. Need to relax my grip. Also I need to stop correcting my hold by touching the part of the chop sticks that touched the food.  My left had ends up filthy. I was hoping for more of a challenge.  As in the past I want to quit because it’s kind of boring.  But I will not.  As that is the whole point of my “Lively” experiences and this blog. So let’s forge on. 

P.S. Excuse the shitty editing.  Hopefully the more videos I make, the better they will become.  Fingers crossed.


  1. You're doing a great job. You can do anything you want as long as you try and stick with it.



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