I live in another state from my family and only hang out with one girl in the state I live in. I’m very particular about who I let into my life. I don’t like drama and bullshit; therefore my family is big enough that they’re the only friends I need. Living away from family and not having much of a social life has caused me to fall into a funk. Besides work, my husband and myself, love staying home, sleeping, mindlessly surfing the internet, staying in pajamas, eating whatever we want, watching TV. Day after day, after day, after day. It has now amounted to years. Yes I do force myself to go out, I dress up, we travel and go home to NYC. But it’s not enough. I don’t regret all the hours I’ve spent relaxing and am not looking to remove it from my life. I’m just looking to try some of the things that have been on my live list for far too long. It will not be easy, as I’m scared to leave my comfort zone. I don’t know the exact moment the fear of change happened but it’s time to get out of this funk. And that requires getting out of my comfort zone. I would like to become more social and allow myself new experiences. My Master Plan for The Evolution of Betsy Hearts is as follows:
1. Complete one“Lively” experience per month.
2. Stop keeping list of places to visit & actually visit.
3. Fit into a size 12.
4. Blog and Video my efforts.
Good luck and stay positive.